How to Stop Feeling Insecure in a Relationship as a Man

how to stop feeling insecure in a relationship

In a perfect world, you’d never experience insecurity in a relationship. You’d find the right woman for you, click, and build a future together. This is not a perfect world. Experiencing relationship insecurity is human. It happens to all too many men. I am not proud to admit it, but I have also felt insecure … Read more

Signs She is Sabotaging Your Relationship and What To Do About It

signs she's sabotaging your relationship

Every man craves connection. Finding the right woman to share your life with is a journey. Only one thing stands in your way once you think you’ve got a keeper. It can be infuriating when you’re giving a relationship your all, and she’s sabotaging it at every turn. She seems ideal for you, and things … Read more

Powerful Signs She’s Attracted And Wants You To Make A Move

signs she's attracted to you

Most men have had moments where they just missed a girl’s signals, only to realize it months or even years after the fact. It’s sad, but it’s true. Sometimes, a typical guy won’t even recognize what happened after someone says it. Whether men want to recognize it or not, society has a way of dissuading … Read more

How To Show Interest And Convey Attraction To A Woman

showing interest and conveying attraction to a girl

In the world of dating, there are few things that are as challenging as approaching a woman you’re into. Everyone says that you should “just get out there,” but they never tell you how. Sure, anyone can go to a bar or add Tinder to their app list, but the art of flirting is hard … Read more

Signs You’re Sabotaging Your Relationship and What to Do about It

self-sabotaging your relationship

Building a relationship is kind of like building a house. You start with the foundation – basic connection, chemistry, and all that other stuff that makes you like someone in the first place, and from there you work your way up until you have not just a house, but a home. You build and build … Read more

Signs of Codependency and How to Break Codependency Habits in a Relationship

codependency habits

Codependency is an epidemic. Too many men allow themselves to become consumed by their relationships. Have you lost yourself in your partner? You’re not alone. Becoming codependent isn’t a rarity. It happens to the vast majority of us. Over 90% of Americans admit to engaging in some codependent behavior. The messaging we get about relationships … Read more

What Do Women Want in a Relationship and How to Give It To Them

what women want in a relationship

Understanding women and knowing what they want in a relationship have dumbfounded men for millennia. Yes, men are often baffled by their girlfriends and unsure how to keep them truly happy. If you’ve found yourself second-guessing her and yourself at every turn, you’re not alone in your strife. Healthy, long-standing relationships don’t happen by accident. … Read more

How to Stop Chasing Women and Build Better Relationships

stop chasing women to build successful relationship

For most men, there’s nothing more disheartening than the fruitless pursuit of women. The uneasy approach, the uneven beat of your heart, the amused twinkle in her eyes as she turns—and at last, the dull ache in your chest as you make your way back to your seat, rejected once again. It would be best … Read more

The Major Signs You are Dating a Manipulative Girlfriend and What To Do About It

signs you are dating a manipulative girlfriend

Some women can be manipulative to get what they want in their relationship. That’s not how a relationship should work. You might have seen it happen to you or your friends when they get in relationships with controlling girlfriends. These relationships can quickly turn toxic. Once a guy is whipped by an attractive woman, he … Read more

10 Sure-Fire Signs To Know if a Girl Likes You

signs she likes you

If you’re like most men out there, and you struggle to know when someone likes you; don’t worry, you’re not alone. It’s super common for men to find it hard to know when a girl is interested, and it’s not your fault either, this is mainly down to fundamental differences in how the sexes communicate: … Read more

How To Forgive a Cheating Wife and Mend Your Marriage

couple together after marriage

When you find out your wife is cheating, your world turns upside down. You start questioning everything. Are you a good lover? Is this your fault? Why would she do this? All those questions flood your mind. You feel angry, betrayed, and scared—and rightfully so. For most men, infidelity is an automatic relationship breaker. Of … Read more

How To Stop Being Needy and Clingy in a Relationship

being needy in a relationship

There is something uniquely terrible about being lonely for a long time. It’s bad enough that you feel lonely on a regular basis, but it also makes you lose the confidence you had. After a long time of flying solo, you may also have a hard time making friends. Social skills are like a muscle. … Read more

Why Good Girls like Bad Guys and How to Get the Girl You Want?

why good girls like bad guys

Why do good girls like bad guys? In addition to being the name of an iconic punk rock song from the early 2000s, it’s a question that plagues millions of men in modern society. And it’s easy to see why. If you ask most women what they want, they’ll respond with “A nice guy.” They … Read more

Why Men Pull Away When They’re Falling In Love (Or Withdraw After Intimacy)?

man walking away

You’ve probably been that guy who pulls away at some point in your relationship, often after intimacy. Maybe you still are that guy. It’s okay. I relate. I used to be that guy too and so have many men who are a part of my relationship coaching program. Pulling away is something that many men … Read more

How to Show Someone You Love Them (with Actions)?

showing your partner you love them

It’s great to tell someone that you love them, that you want to be with them, or that you care about them. But how do you actually show them that you love them with actions? What would you do if your words meant nothing? Especially for men, it can be hard to show our romantic … Read more

The Times Have Changed. This is the Way Forward in 2024.

Here’s how I can help in my new FREE training on becoming a stronger Grounded Man:

1. The new path for men that creates a purpose driven life and doesn’t require you to lose your personal power, put women on a pedestal or sacrifice your goals.

2. Why men consistently settle and ignore the most important areas of life like the quality of their intimate relationships, social life and happiness and how to optimize all three without sacrificing professional growth.

3. The biggest mistake 97% of men make that breeds loneliness, breakups and emasculation that is absolutely reversible with this counter intuitive strategy.