Introducing the 5 Step Formula to Becoming Unstoppable

When you think of different people and all the different circumstances, it may seem as though some are unstoppable while other consumed by fear. You may even notice that some people don’t know how to loose, while some have never experienced victory. What is it that differentiates people and their full potential. Are people really … Read more

Interview with Billy Murphy: Poker Champion, Entrepreneur and E-Commerce Expert

I’m thrilled to introduce my guest Billy Murphy. Billy was a professional poker player for 4 years. He launched his first business BlueFirePoker in 2009 and challenged the President to a game of cards which ended up on Fox News and many other news outlets. Blue Fire Poker quickly became one of the largest poker … Read more

What Should I Do With My Life? 10 Reasons You Feel Lost in Your 20s

“I don’t know what to do with my life.” “I don’t know what I want to do with my life” “What am I doing with my life.” “Heck, what is the point of life anyway?” In your 20s, these are common questions and challenges to have. The simple truth is that most people–regardless of their age–can’t … Read more

How I Became a Millionaire

Making millions is not as difficult as making your first million, and regardless of your background or circumstance, there are opportunities all around us that create new millionaires just about every day. I am going to show you how to become a millionaire. For me making a million dollars was never a goal, nor did … Read more

How to Find Yourself in Your 20s: 13 Lessons You MUST Learn to Be the Best Version of Yourself Play in new window | DownloadYour 20s are the defining decade of your life… The time when you transition from boyhood to manhood. And this transition is crucial. To make the most of your 20s, you must learn how to be happy with yourself as you are today, while you work toward becoming the man you … Read more

The Untold Story of the Man Who Built the Foundations of Apple

And it’s not Jobs or Wozniak! What I’m about to tell you will shock many of you, especially loyal Steve Jobs fans. The foundations of Apple were not entirely formed by Steve Jobs or Stephen Wozniak.  Another man involved whose name you do not know laid the early foundations of Apple. Still with me? Good. … Read more

10 Ways to Overcome Failure and Kickstart Your Life Into High Gear

Failure plays a key role in developing success. The fear of failure is more potent than failure itself. Allowing it to prevent you from trying means you failed before you even started. Wayne Gretsky captures this idea when he says, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” Get over the fear of failing. It … Read more

What Women Want in a Man: 5 Traits That Will Make Her Obsess Over You

how to make a girl go crazy for you image

Have you ever asked yourself… What do women want in a man? What drives women crazy? What do women find attractive? What will make her obsess over you? If so, then you’re in the right place. Over the past decade, I’ve spent thousands of hours trying to “crack the code” to what women want in … Read more

The Top 5 Things to Never Do on a Date

couple on date

Wouldn’t it help to know what women do not want to see on a date? Things to never do on a date that  just make women tick or turn them off completely. I mean if you knew what things to absolutely 100% avoid on date then how could you possibly ever have a bad date..I … Read more

9 Simple Things Men Can Do Right Now to Have a Thriving Relationship

happy couple on beach

What’s up guys, I came across this video about a week ago and wanted to share this powerful and straight to the point video on relationship advice with you all. This guy has an “interesting” personality so do yourself a favor and skip straight to the point at 58 seconds. His main points are very … Read more

3 Things Men Need to Start Doing Right Now! – Relationship Advice Friday

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Today is Relationship Advice  Friday’s! Haven’t you always wanted to ask a woman what she wants from a man, and get an honest answer?  Well, here’s your chance to get powerful relationship advice from a woman to men. Meet Laura. She’s beautiful, smart and has a few things she wants to get off her chest… … Read more

The Times Have Changed. This is the Way Forward in 2024.

Here’s how I can help in my new FREE training on becoming a stronger Grounded Man:

1. The new path for men that creates a purpose driven life and doesn’t require you to lose your personal power, put women on a pedestal or sacrifice your goals.

2. Why men consistently settle and ignore the most important areas of life like the quality of their intimate relationships, social life and happiness and how to optimize all three without sacrificing professional growth.

3. The biggest mistake 97% of men make that breeds loneliness, breakups and emasculation that is absolutely reversible with this counter intuitive strategy.