9 Simple Things Men Can Do Right Now to Have a Thriving Relationship

What’s up guys,

I came across this video about a week ago and wanted to share this powerful and straight to the point video on relationship advice with you all. This guy has an “interesting” personality so do yourself a favor and skip straight to the point at 58 seconds. His main points are very true so pay attention to the content. Don’t stress, it’s only 11 minutes and I guarantee it will help you with your relationships.


Key Points:

1. Know yourself and what you want to do with your life.

2. Be yourself.

3. Give her your full attention when you are with her.

4. Always show her you are thinking about her (be careful with this one, never over do it)

5. Be honest.

6. Throw your ego out the door. (like I always say, just relax)

7. Take care of business. Work hard!

8. Be a MAN!

9. Respect your woman.


What are your thoughts on this relationship advice?


Image courtesy of Imagery Majestic/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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