How Online Dating Consulting Helps Men Overcome Struggles of Finding Love

Finding the perfect romantic partner was never going to be easy, but you probably weren’t expecting it to be as challenging as it is.

Though many people do end up finding romantic partners, they don’t find love, happiness, and the “perfect” relationship. Many men struggle to find quality romantic partners for their entire lives.

I’ve seen this up close on a personal level. I’ve lost some of my closest friends to bad girlfriends who turned into bad wives. I’ve witnessed many times the life-altering effects of a terrible relationship.

A few times, it was even me on the receiving end of the bad relationship, but not anymore.

Working with an online dating consultant can be extremely powerful and helpful for men who are aiming to better understand the dating world. The effects of a bad relationship can quite literally ruin your life. If you want to find love, you need to learn the dating game.

That’s what a dating coach is for.

In this article, we’re going to look at how an online dating consultant can help you take your game to the next level.

1. Your Dating Coach Will Help You Re-Define Your Goals

I read somewhere once that when it comes to dating, men are usually waiting for the right time, whereas women are waiting for the right man.

I think there’s a lot of truth to this, but the point goes deeper than just sitting around and waiting for the right time to build your dream relationship.

The point is that you need to get your life to a place where you are able to have the best relationships possible. You need to become the kind of man who’s ready to have a serious relationship with a woman whom you’re compatible with.

You need to get to a place where your dating goals are clearly defined.

When you get there, you’ll probably realize that it’s “the right time” for you to have that girl you’ve always wanted to be with. She won’t see you as the right man until you become the right man. You won’t be the right man until you figure out how you can become him.

The right dating coach with the right principles can help you get there a heck of a lot faster than trying to go at it alone.

Dating goals are confusing and can lead you down rocky paths. A coach can help you define them clearly.

2. Work Through Your Shortcomings With an Expert – at Your Convenience

When you start working with a dating coach, one of the most important things that you will do is determine exactly where you’re at.

Are you good at dating but struggling to find lasting love? Do you have a problem getting dates? Are you anxious about dating?

Where are you, and where do you want to be? Be thoughtful with how you answer these questions.

One likely thing you’re going to notice when you go through the point above of working through your dating goals with an expert is that you are flawed in some ways. You aren’t perfect. You have a history of bad relationships, rejection, infidelity, or a combination of a few of these.

Get any ideas that you know everything out of your head, if you haven’t already. Once you do that, you’re able to see your shortcomings for what they really are: obstacles.

Obstacles are something that you can overcome, whereas shortcomings are more of an end-all roadblock. You don’t have shortcomings, you have areas of your life that need to be developed.

Have you been rejected a lot in the past? We need to work on confidence. Been cheated on? We need to work on making you feel more secure.

A coach will look at what you view as character flaws as opportunities for growth, and he will help you transform your mind.

3. Good “Dating Coaches” Are Hard to Find

As far as I can tell, there aren’t very many in-person dating coaches – anywhere.

This isn’t a common thing. It’s not a normal job or path.

There are therapists everywhere for pretty much every mental ailment, but it’s damn near impossible to find a good dating coach.

If it weren’t for the internet, there wouldn’t be dating coaches anywhere. It wouldn’t be a thing that people did. People would use their friends, model their relationships based on their parents, and do whatever they have to do in order to have the best romantic relationships they can.

But they wouldn’t ever be able to work with experts.

See, some people are fascinated with human relationships. They dedicate their lives to having the best relationships possible. I’m one of those people.

We coaches study psychology, how love works, and everything else under the sun that you might want to know about relationships, and we are as close to complete masters of attraction as you get.

People like us existed before the internet, but the internet gives us a platform to find the people who need our help the most.

Working with an online dating coach is a kind of opportunity that didn’t exist before recently, and you have the ability to take full advantage of it.

4. Talk Through Your Past to Build a Better Future

Sometimes, it’s hard to open up to the people who are closest to you.

You can’t tell your friends about what you went through in a breakup because you’re scared that they’ll judge you, make fun of you, or, worst of all, ignore you. Maybe you just don’t have great friends.

With an online dating coach, you’ll be able to go through your past relationships, analyze what went wrong (with an expert), and make the changes to your life that you need to make in order to have better future relationships.

See, when you think about your past by yourself, you probably do it wrong. You’re probably forgetting some really important details, judging yourself too hard, and you’re probably biased against your exes.

Some people judge themselves too harshly and others judge their former partners too harshly. This isn’t anyone’s fault, it’s just hard to be objective when looking at your past.

It requires a great deal of self-awareness to look at your own life truly objectively. It requires even more self-awareness to accept help.

An online dating coach’s only bias is that they want to do everything they can to help you have better relationships. Other than that, they’re going to look at your past skeptically.

They’re not going to judge you, but they are going to challenge you.

At the end of the day, this push is the key to becoming the best man that you can be.

5. Develop the Habits of a High-Value Man

One thing I’ve noticed about online dating coaches is that we focus less on what’s happened to you and more on what you can do to be better.

We have a proactive approach as opposed to a reactive one.

Yes, we will help you work through your past. I mentioned that already.

However, we’re going to spend a lot more time helping you build a better future than most therapists and coaches will. This is because, in dating, improved results are what we all are after.

If you want to trauma-dump, go to therapy or write in a journal. If you want to have better relationships, become the kind of man who is worthy of having better relationships. Become the kind of man who doesn’t get cheated on, doesn’t get his heart broken, and doesn’t have toxic relationships.

Develop the habits of a high-value man, and you will essentially speak better relationships into your existence.

With online dating coaches, you are getting a coach who is focused on better results, not creating a space for you to just ponder about the past.

We’re not creating a tribe of lost boys, we’re creating a tribe of high-achieving, dedicated men.

6. Learn to Navigate the Digital Dating World Digitally

Research suggests that online dating is now the number one way to start new relationships in the United States.

More and more people are beginning (and having) significant portions of their relationships online. We meet people on dating apps, our first “date” is a phone call, and then we anxiously text our new crush in anticipation of our first date with them in real life.

How confident are you in your ability to date online?

Do you know how to create a good Tinder bio? Do you know how to effectively ask a woman out on a date online? How’s your flirting when done digitally?

Do you know how to “sext” without sending a hog shot or without making her uncomfortable? Most men don’t.

Flirting, asking serious questions, and other aspects of relationships are all different when you’re forced to do them without eye contact and body language. Even if you’re naturally good at dating in person, you do not have all the normal options when you’re dating someone online.

Working with an online dating consultant gives you the ability to learn how to navigate the digital dating world, and because you’re working with them online, you will be learning digitally.

You’ll get experience dealing with the most difficult part of dating while working with someone who knows how to do it best.

7. An Online Dating Coach Will Help Boost Your Dating Confidence

One of the hardest parts about dating for men is confidence.

Men are expected to be confident leaders, but in today’s world, we’re taught to be anything but. The number of insecure men is on the rise, and it has been for several years.

That’s where an online dating coach comes into play.

See, dating coaches don’t just focus on giving you tips and tricks to having better relationships, they also help you become a more confident, stronger man. Instead of just focusing on the art of approaching and seducing a beautiful woman, dating coaches also focus on helping you build momentum.

This is the real key to having more confidence.

In order to find love, you need to have better relationships. In order to have better relationships, you need to be more confident and secure in yourself. One thing leads to another, every step of the way.

A dating coach works not only on helping you improve your relationships but also on helping you improve yourself. When you start from the ground up, you will have all the skills necessary to have the best relationship possible.

This is where most men fall short, but not you – if you find the right coach to work with.

8. A Dating Coach Will Help You Stay Focused

I was an athlete growing up.

In sports, you need coaches for obvious reasons.

Your coach runs practices, gives you workouts to follow, helps you create a game plan for that week’s game, and then after the game, a (good) coach will encourage you over what went well and motivate you to improve what went wrong.

Imagine a football team, a boxer, or a basketball team without a coach.

These teams don’t win and they don’t get better.

In dating, a coach does the same thing. The only difference is that way fewer people are using dating coaches and way more people are trying to date.

Most people are completely winging their relationships, and they’re not exactly doing so well. You know who you are.

Your dating coach’s only job is to help you stay focused in your dating life and to treat dating like a skill, not some side quest in your life.

Take it seriously. Stay focused. You will improve.

If you struggle with the pursuit of long-term goals, a dating coach can be life-changing for you.

9. A Good Dating Coach Will Help You Improve Your Dating Potential

The ceiling for what you can achieve romantically is probably very low right now.

You aren’t dating the women you want, you aren’t having the relationships you want, and you aren’t living the life you want.

You’ve been taught to believe that this is because you aren’t worthy of love, because you aren’t attractive enough, or that you have some other dating flaw that is holding you back from having the relationships that you want to have.

By doing all of the things we’ve discussed so far in this article, a good dating coach will help you break through the ceiling of what you can achieve romantically.

This means that you’ll go from not being able to get dates to having plenty of dating opportunities. You’ll go from casual dating to finding a woman worthy of settling down with.

If you do the work and play your cards right, a dating coach can even help you find the woman of your dreams. This woman is going to play a strong role in building the life of your dreams.

It’s not far-fetched to say that the right dating coach can change your life.


Working with an online dating consultant might be the best investment in yourself that you ever make.

You’ll become more disciplined, happier, and more focused on having better relationships, and best of all, you’ll see results. You’ll learn the art of dating – way faster than someone who goes at it alone.

Because really, how much time do you have to waste in crappy relationships?

If you’re anything like me, you want to have the best relationships you can, and you want to start having them right away.

That’s why I want to tell you about my exclusive coaching program, led by me and my team of experienced men’s coaches.

See, this program isn’t only going to help you break free from nice guy behaviors, build quality romantic relationships, and become a stronger Grounded Man. It’s also going to provide you with support from both myself and my elite community of men. Our coaches provide informed professional advice on how to play hard to get, among other important relationship principles.

We’re going to help you learn how to get to know people without being desperate, clingy, or weak.

No drama, no games, just growth. This will be the last self-development group you’ll ever need.

With this program, you’ll be tapped into your own “band of brothers” and you’ll also have access to the best training course for men in existence today, as well as weekly calls with my team of inspiring and determined coaches. There are no boys, no complainers, or dabblers, this program is for serious men only.

Click here to watch my new client orientation.

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