287: Preston Smiles: How to Love Louder and Live Deeper

Preston Smiles has a large dedicated following on his YouTube channel and has been featured in LA Weekly, Los Angeles Magazine, and Origin magazine.

He is also a regular contributor toHuffington Post, The Daily Love, Good Guy Swag, and has appeared on top podcasts such as Lewis Howes’s The School of Greatness and Addicted2Success.

He recently won Elixir Magazine’s  Millennial Mentor Award and is also one of the youngest members of ATL (Association of Transformational Leaders), founded by Jack Canfield.

Favorite Success Quote

“Love will find a way, everything else will find an excuse” ~ Preston Smiles

Key Points

1. Love is a Verb

If you ever say that you love something or someone, then your actions should be a reflection of this sentiment.

Love is a verb.

If you love someone, then you are intentionally showing them your love through actions.

Whether you accomplish this by calling your family, taking your wife out on a date, spending time with your kids, or inviting your friends over for a dinner, you cannot love someone without expressing that love through your actions.

2. Your Internal World is Reflected in Your External World 

If you are attracting the wrong people into your life, if you are struggling with your finances, or have any other sort of external “ailment” it is an indication of an incongruency or struggle that you are facing in your internal world.

It may be a sense of worthlessness, a lack of self-love, a belief that you are not good enough, or any number of things.

Whatever it is, you need to spend some time digging into your internal world, revisiting old wounds and current limiting beliefs before your external world will ever reach the level that you desire.

3. Surrender to the Universe 

Stop trying to force the universe to do what you want and simply surrender.

The more that you are willing to accept life for what it is and surrender to the mysteries of the universe and the plans that God (or whatever power you believe in) have for you, the quicker your life will begin to fall into place.

4. Take Time to Be 

One of the most important things that you can do to live a life of true purpose and love is to take time each day to simply be.

Don’t have any sort of external goals or “to-dos” that you need to accomplish, simply sit with yourself and be.

Surrender to the mystery of your existence and the power of the universe. When you do this consistently, magical things happen.

5. Ask Yourself, “What Would Love Do?”

Whenever you are faced with a situation where you are tempted to get angry or act rashly, ask yourself “What would love do?”

Whenever someone cuts you off in traffic, whenever you have a fight with your girlfriend or wife, whenever your boss acts like a dick, ask yourself “How would love respond to them right now.”

I can promise that if you approach life with this mentality, your whole world will change.

Influential Books

1. Conversations with God Book 1 by Neale Donald Walsch

2. 7 Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra

3. Love Louder by Preston Smiles


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