Dating in Boston: Statistics, Trends & More

If you’re single and looking for love in Boston, well, it just so happens that you’re in the right place!

Research by the dating app Bumble and Apartment List found that Boston is the second-best city in all of America for singles and dating. 

Researchers studied 100 cities across America to determine which were the best for singles, and it focused on four key metrics:

  • Dating Satisfaction
  • Social Satisfaction
  • Dating Affordability
  • Percentage of Singles

Boston came out tops for dating satisfaction, so it looks like we are off to a good start!

Not only that, data shows that exactly half of all Bostonians are single…. I mean, what better place to look for a mate than a vibrant, trendy city where 50% of the population is single and ready to mingle?! 

But what about ASL? – Age, Sex, and Location… Ok, so we know the location – but what about the types of singles available in Boston?

Let’s dive in.

If you need help to build confidence, develop an abundance mindset in dating, and become the best version of yourself. Click here to start your journey with us and master the art of dating in Boston.

Dating Demographics in Boston

According to census data, the population of Boston stands at around 650, 000 people, but what’s better still is that the majority of the population is comprised of people between the ages 20 – 35.

What does that really mean? Well, a high percentage of young, single professionals are looking for love, dating, and relationships in the Boston area. 

Boston By Age 

Age GroupPopulationPercentage
85 and over13,2201.90%
Source: 2019 US population by age estimates

As you can see the age demographics of Boston are well distributed in favor of young and middle-aged people with the peak population falling between the ages of 25 – 35. 

With a median age of just over 30, the dating demographics of Boston really don’t get much better than this.

Boston By Gender

Census data shows that the population in Boston has a slightly higher number of females at 52.2%, with men making up 47.8% of citizens.

So, this might be somewhat advantageous if you’re a guy seeking love in Boston, however, the difference is still quite a small percentage so don’t worry ladies, you’ve still got good odds of finding a potential mate in this vibrant city.

Boston’s Racial Demographics

Image credit: Boston, MA Census & Demographics Data

The largest ethnic group within Boston is White, Non-Hispanic people at 44.7% with the second largest group being from Black or African American Non-Hispanic ethnicities at 22%. 

The racial demographics of Boston as illustrated above reflect a picture of a diverse and multicultural city which can only be a good thing as variety is the spice of life, right?

Furthermore, whether your dating preferences are to remain within your own ethnicity, or that isn’t a factor for you at all, the population of Boston is a diverse and eclectic mix of people, cultures, and racial origins. 

Boston’s Single Residents

Image source: Boston, MA Census & Demographics Data

What’s really unique about dating in Boston is the fact that it has one of the highest single populations in the whole of America. 

Data shows that most cities in the USA average around 50% for single populations, however, Boston scores an impressive 67% for the total number of singles. 

Furthermore, as you can see from the chart above, within Boston and the surrounding areas, the majority of the population has never been married which suggests that the pool of potential dates might be open to, or looking for a serious relationship of some kind.

Boston’s Occupational Data

Image source: Boston, MA Census & Demographics Data 

The chart above gives us a good breakdown of Boston’s population by profession. This is super helpful information as our careers take up so much of our life, energy, and time and your partner’s occupation can also end up impacting your relationship and even your own lifestyle. 

Furthermore, if you work within a very focused, and specialized career niche and you would like to date someone within the same field, the above percentages give you an idea of how likely it might be to find a date with a doctor for example, which from the looks of things might actually be quite likely in Boston with 17.9% of residents working within some area of health care. 

Also, if education is important to you when looking for a partner, 52% of Boston residents hold at least a Bachelor’s degree or higher, so if you’re a Sapiosexual and need to be intellectually stimulated by your partner, you’re in luck – with over half of the population here having studied at a higher academic level. 

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Living & Dating in Boston

Boston isn’t called “The Shining City Upon a Hill” or “The Athens of America” for no reason, this vibrant metropolis has a lot to offer, especially to those looking for love as it has one of the highest single populations in the entire country. 

Boston is famous for a few things, namely – the Boston Marathon, Fenway Park, and the bar from Cheers. And while these are some notable and charming aspects of the place, if you dig just a little deeper you will find a place that’s bursting with creativity, excellent restaurants, culture, nightlife, and recreational facilities that make it one of, if not, thee most vibrant cities in all of America. 

1. Location, Location, Location

Living in Boston gives you easy access to some exclusive vacation destinations (New England etc) and you are also close to several beaches which all serve as excellent locations for a date. 

Furthermore, Boston is a great central location for travel throughout the Northeastern US and is also in close proximity to New York and Philadelphia so if things are going well, and you feel like taking your date away for the weekend you are spoilt for choice!

2. Best Neighbourhoods in Boston for Singles

B-Town is sometimes referred to as “the city of neighborhoods” and that’s because there are 23 to choose from, but don’t worry because we have selected the ones that come out tops for dating and singles. 

Downtown Boston

As the sun sets, Downtown Boston comes alive and it’s a great place for singles to meet and mingle as it’s also Boston’s central business district (CBD).

It has lots of entertainment venues, bars, cafes, and trendy restaurants. 

Downtown is not only good for meeting other singles, but it also offers numerous romantic dating spots. 

La Dolce Vita in The North End

The North End of Boston is famous for its American-Italian population, and if you’re looking for the best place to meet a date or to take a new date – where better than a neighborhood that’s overflowing with Italian restaurants, red wine, and cozy cafes?

If you’re looking for a truly romantic setting, you should try dining out on the patio of the Mamma Maria in North Square – you won’t regret it!

And if you or your date have a sweet tooth, head over to Mike’s and Modern eateries where the best pastries in all of Boston are served up. 

The West End & The East End

The West & The East End of Boston have plenty to offer singles as they both have the buzz of city life and a variety of trendy spots where you can get social and meet new people. 

However, The West End is often cited as one of the best places for singles as it’s within walking distance of Downtown and also all the offices in the CBD so it has a lot of vibrancy right on your doorstep. 

Cambridge, Massachusetts

The Cambridge area attracts a lot of singles and young professionals due to its proximity to some of the best educational institutions in all of America. 

In this neighborhood, you are close to Harvard, Central, and Porter Square which all have a plethora of interesting cultural and entertainment options available. 

Furthermore, all these areas are within walking distance of some of Boston’s most well-known employers such as Thinking Machines, Analog Devices, Lotus Development Corporation, and Beranek which are all located here. 

These big firms act as a magnet for young, single, working professionals making this area a good bet for making new romantic connections. 

3. The Cost of a Date in Boston

While Boston might be one of the easiest places to get a date, it probably isn’t one of the cheapest. 

According to, the cost of living in Boston is 50% higher than the average in America. 

But what makes it so expensive? Well, housing for one is a lot more expensive than the US average with median rent coming in at over $3,000 per month. However, daily essentials aren’t too far off the national average, but they do fall at the top end. 

For example, a loaf of bread in Boston costs $4.42, milk is around $2.77 and a beer comes in at $8. 

If you are planning on taking your date out to a mildly fancy restaurant, you can expect to pay around $100 for 3 courses and your taxi home will cost you in the region of $3. 

4. The Dating Scene in Boston

The dating scene in Boston used to be called “a man’s world” as the ratio of males to females swung quite considerably in the man’s favor. 

It’s true Boston was once considered to be the best American city for heterosexual, single males purely because men were so outnumbered by women, in fact, one MIT researcher actually developed an algorithm that showed that if every single man in Boston eliminated every unsuitable match, he would still be left with 2,500 female options. 

Well, the good news for women is that these figures date back to circa 2014 and thankfully, while yes, single women still outnumber single men in Boston, things have balanced up –  a little bit. 

So what’s dating like in Boston now, in 2023…

Figures show that currently, Boston has 140,000 single women and 129,000 single men which is not too far off-center compared to 2014 and is quite a healthy proportion of the population. 

Furthermore, Boston is widely considered to be a cosmopolitan college town and people are drawn to study, work and live here from all across America, and even the world. 

Being home to prestigious colleges like Harvard, MIT, and Boston University has created a melting pot of knowledge, culture, and diversity with many young singles choosing to settle in the area after graduating thanks to all of the employment opportunities that are available in the metro area. 

So dating in Boston opens you up to quite a lot of diversity when looking for a potential partner.

There sure are A LOT of singles in Boston, but dating is “less about more, and more about less” – cryptic I know – but what I mean is that, out of all of those single people, you only need one to find your person. 

If you currently live in Boston and are single, hence why you are reading this guide, you might be thinking to yourself “If there are sooo many single people here then WHY am I still single?!” – that’s a fair question and the answer is – just because there’s lots of single people in your area doesn’t automatically guarantee that you’ll magically be in a relationship, you still need to know the right places to actually meet people – and that’s where this dating guide for Boston is gonna hook you up…. 

The Best Places to Meet Someone to Date in Boston 

Ok, so I’m going to level with you as I feel like honesty is the best policy in life; Boston is such a busy, vibrant city that it’s almost impossible for me to list every exact place where you could potentially meet the love of your life, and the simple reason for that is that there are just too many options!

There is literally so much going on in Boston on any given day that we would have to use up most of the internet to list it all.

But, the good news about this is that, whatever type of partner that you are looking for – whether it’s a sporty person, a foody, a music lover or a dancer, there is an event for that!

 All you need to do is look into what’s on in your local area according to your vibe and show up…

Now, although I can’t list every single place that’s got love potential in Boston, I can tell you about a few of the best places that are known for attracting singles.

Best Bars for Singles in Boston

Ok, so if you’re ready to hookup in Boston, I suggest that you buckle down because these are the hottest spots for singles to meet, chill and pair up in B-Town:

Great Places to Find a Date in Boston

While bars are always a good place to mingle with other singles – and let’s be honest, a little alcohol always helps to break the ice – there are lots of other options available for meeting a potential date in Boston that don’t involve alcohol. 

If you’re not really into the bar scene, or not much of a social drinker, then why not check out these locations which are great for finding a date:

  • Peet’s Coffee in Cambridge – 100 Mt Auburn St, Cambridge, MA 02138
  • Bloc Cafe in Somerville – 11 Bow St, Somerville, MA 02143
  • Pavement Coffeehouse in Newbury – 286 Newbury St, Boston, MA 02115
  • Solid Ground Cafe in Mission Hill – 742 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115
  • Thinking Cup in Back Bay – 85 Newbury St, Boston, MA 02116
  • Visit Whole Foods, DeLuca’s Market, or Trader Joe’s throughout the city to find attractive people who shop for fresh and organic food!
  • Meetup groups – There are lots of meetup groups in Boston where singles share their interests and hobbies, including music, woodworking, tech, sports, and there are even singles mixers.

Speed Dating in Boston

I know what you might be thinking, “speed dating?” #Cringe, but hear me out… it’s actually been making a comeback among singles as people get more mindful of their time and money, so don’t be so quick to rule out speed dating as an option for finding your forever love. 

Ever since the start of the pandemic speed dating in Boston has really picked up, especially virtual speed dating, and if you have a busy schedule it’s actually quite an effective way to increase your exposure rate to new people who are also looking for romance.  

Events usually cost between $40 – $80 and although that might sound a bit pricey, it gives you the opportunity to meet up to 20+ new matches in one night which is quite good value for money.

Most of the speed dating events in Boston follow the same format with a few variations:

  • Firstly, you show up after preregistering and go on a bunch of “mini-dates” lasting around 5 minutes.
  • Once 5 minutes is up, the men usually move to the next table where a woman remains seated (sometimes women swap, each event varies slightly).
  • This process repeats until the entire event is over or until everyone gets a chance to meet one another.

During the event, people make a note of anyone that they would like to see again and if two people make requests for each other then the event organizers pass on your details, usually by the next day. 

The great thing about speed dating is that the short encounter gives people just enough time to establish whether or not there is a spark without investing a lot of time or money. 

In fact, the resurgence of speed dating is part of the “mini dates culture” which has become a lot more common. 

People’s attitudes towards dating in 2023 have made several upgrades, along with the introduction of new ways to use technology in courtship with virtual dating events, etc, people now also realize that to increase your chances of finding a good match that you need to increase the number of singles that you’re exposed to, and having a two hour sit down dinner in a fancy restaurant with every potential suitor just isn’t practical, or affordable – especially not in a cost of living crisis!

People’s time and money are precious these days, and the dating world has adapted, people are much more open to, and accepting of “mini dates” like meeting for a coffee or a walk in the local park for a first meet.

This way, both parties get to feel out each other’s vibe, without investing too much – or having to sit through an awkward three-course meal, and that’s partly why speed dating events in Boston have been on the rise.

Speed dating has to be the most time-efficient way to date, instead of trawling around bars with “hopeful expectations” speed dating gets you in front of potential matches who are there with the exact same agenda as you, so it kind of sorts the “wheat from the chaff”. 

If you think that speed dating might be something that you’d like to try, here are the best speed dating groups in Boston worth checking out:

The Best Dating Strategies to Use in Boston 

Ok, so let’s say that you’ve got yourself a date, Congratulations! 

But now, the real work begins

If you have secured a date with someone that you think could be your potential match, listen up because we have a list of the best dating strategies to use while dating in Boston – stay tuned:

OK, so first things first, depending on how well you know this person, these days a full-on dining experience for a modern first date in Boston is a bit of a “no-no” – the reason being that well, most people agree that it’s a little too formal for a first date. 

People are thinking about the dress code, the cutlery etiquette not to mention feeling self-conscious while you listen to yourself slurp up some food in front of this hot new person that you are trying to impress. 

Also, a dinner reservation for a first date can end up turning into a kind of interview situation as both people try to ask questions to find out more about each other. 

I’d also take going to the cinema off the list for a first date, mainly because your first meeting should be all about getting to know each other, not sitting in silence for 3 hours, and planning a movie for your first date will leave you not knowing much more about your date than when you arrived!

So, three-course meals and movies are off the list for first dates – but what’s on the list?

Tips for Picking the Best “First Date” Activities in Boston:

Keep these points in mind when choosing an activity to consider for a first date:

  • Keep it local, pick something in the same area that doesn’t involve much traveling
  • Pick something light and fun
  • Something that doesn’t last for hours so that one or both of you can leave if you aren’t “feeling it”
  • Isn’t too expensive
  • Has other things going on around you in the environment that you can talk about and keep the convo flowing if things start to dry up
  • Doesn’t involve long silences sitting opposite each other for long periods e.g chess in the park is a no
  • Something that has a little friendly competition and opens opportunities for some flirting

An important note to pay attention to when choosing your first date is having an idea of what your date is into, for example, does she love art? Then a stroll around the local art gallery might be perfect, or if he likes cars, maybe check out the local race track or go-karting center for a bit of racing fun. 

The aim is to keep the activity light and relatively short, this gives both people a chance to relax, be themselves, and focus on getting to know each other a little better.

Here are some activities to get you started for a first date in Boston as they are all pretty central, low cost and fun:

  • Ice-skating
  • Archery – shoot your shot
  • Golf lessons at the driving range
  • Take a salsa class
  • Visit the zoo 
  • Check out a street market (Boston has tons)
  • Going to a farmer’s fair
  • Axe throwing
  • Escape rooms
  • Rollerskating
  • Take a walk with your dog somewhere fun (if you have one)
  • A painting class (preferably with some alcohol)
  • Visit the Museum
  • Take a walk in the Botanical Gardens with some coffee, or plan a picnic here if the weather is good.

And if you are still struggling to pick an exact place to take your date, don’t worry, I have compiled a list of fail-proof date locations in Boston Just For YOU!

Now you have plenty of options for where you could take a potential date, but if you really want my top strategy for a first date, it has to be suggesting that you meet for a drink. 

Although in the past this might have been seen of as a bit of a  “cheap date” which could have lost you points, people aren’t playing by those rules anymore, men and women earn their own money (mostly) these days and are far more accepting of “mini-date culture” – in fact they prefer it.

Let’s face it, both parties are likely to prefer a quick drink with a new acquaintance/potential romance than committing to anything more substantial, especially at this super early stage. 

Inviting someone out for a drink solves multiple problems with one stone; it saves you both time as you’re likely to be able to gauge if there’s a deeper connection and attraction quickly, and if it’s not there, all you have to do is say thanks and politely leave after the first drink or two – no awkwardness, no expensive dinners, no blushing faces, etc, etc, etc… 

The Best Bar Dates in Boston

Whether it’s your first date or your fifth, you can’t go far wrong with a fun bar date, and let’s be honest, a little alcohol can add some spice into the mix – never mind confidence…

 Here’s a list of the best bars for a date in Boston: 

  • A4cade in Cambridgeport – 292 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139
  • The Plough and Stars in Cambridge – 912 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139
  • Sheesha Lounge in North Brookline – 417 Cambridge St, Boston, MA 02134
  • City Bar Back Bay in Back Bay – 65 Exeter St, Boston, MA 02116
  • The Underground Cafe + Lounge in Ruggles – 742 Columbus Ave, Boston, MA 02120
  • Model Cafe in Lower Allston – 7 N Beacon St, Boston, MA 02134
  • Noir in Cambridge – 1 Bennett St, Cambridge, MA 02138
  • Union Tavern in Somerville – 345 Somerville Ave, Somerville, MA 02143

The Best Restaurant Dates in Boston

Ok, so if you have gotten to know your date well enough, and things are going in the right direction, maybe it’s time to take things to the next level and invite them out for a meal where the two of you can enjoy a romantic dining experience, if so, here’s a list of the top spots in Boston that you should check out:

  • Lolita in Back Bay East – 271 Dartmouth St, Boston, MA 02116
  • OTTO in North Brookline – 888 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA 02446
  • Shabu-Zen in Allston – 80 Brighton Ave, Allston, MA 02134
  • Forage in Cambridge – 5 Craigie Cir, Cambridge, MA 02138
  • Catalyst Restaurant in Cambridge – 300 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA 02139
  • Bostonia Public House in Faneuil Hall – 131 State St, Boston, MA 02109
  • The Paramount in Beacon Hill – 44 Charles St, Boston, MA 02114
  • Citizen Public House & Oyster Bar in Fenway Park – 1310 Boylston St, Boston, MA 02215

The Best Dating Apps & Sites to Use in Boston

This wouldn’t be a dating guide worth anything in 2023 if it didn’t tell you about the best dating apps to use in Boston, because the truth is that as much as we like to imagine meeting “our person” on a park bench, the reality is that almost 50% of all couples now meet online

So here’s a rundown of the best dating apps and websites to use while looking for love in Boston:

E Harmony 

  • Easily the best for long-term relationships
  • 75% of all online marriages start here
  • 70% of users meet their spouse within a year
  • In-depth signup and matching process

  • You can view profiles for free
  • There’s quite a lot of information on each person
  • It’s available in lots of different countries with over 20 million members & lots of them are in Boston!


  • Great if you’re into your appearance
  • Most popular dating apps in Boston
  • Really focused on photos and aesthetics
  • Becoming more of a dating app instead of just a hookup vibe

Online dating can be a game-changer, but it’s not without its challenges. To navigate this landscape successfully, you need the right tools and mindset. Spaces in our Knowledge for Men program are filling up quickly. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to elevate your dating game. Secure your spot now and start transforming your dating life today.

Online Dating Strategies

So far this guide has mainly hooked you up with all of the best strategies and places for Boston dating IRL (in real life) – now let’s get you clued up on the most successful strategies for securing a date online:

Profile Picture

I cannot undersell the value of your profile picture when using a dating website or app. This is the first thing people are going to go off when they view your profile. The signal that you send in this picture is crucial to whether or not someone will even want to read what you have to say. So here are the best tips for taking the Perfect Profile Pic:

Keep It Cute

Unless you are scouting for a purely sexual hookup (no judgment) – I would advise against showing flesh so that means tops on men, and ladies too.

If you are using a dating app to find a serious relationship, I would steer clear of sending out too much of a “sexual signal” with your picture, there are plenty of other apps out there for “no strings attached” fun, etc.

Look Your Best

Wear your new shirt, style your hair, do your makeup – whatever makes you look and feel your best – do it and pay attention to your appearance because this is one instance where everyone else will be too. 


Simple as that. Research shows that profile pictures with a smile get way more likes and clicks than those without. 

Profile Information

  • Understand the assignment – the reason that you have a dating profile in the first place is to be able to share some information about yourself so that potential mates can learn something about you and therefore determine if you are a match. So, complete the information on your dating profile, include your hobbies, interests, and some authentic details about who you are. 
  • People are less likely to interact with empty dating profiles, 1) because they might be fake, and 2) because they literally know nothing about you – it’s your chance to intrigue and inspire someone amazing and show them how amazing you are too… don’t waste it.

Sugar Dating in Boston

Boston came out as the second-best place in the US for Sugar Daddy dating. 

Furthermore, Boston has been referred to as the “Sugar Daddy Capital”.

Brandon Wade, CEO of along with US census data point to Boston as having 2.47 Sugar Daddies per every 1000 men and they reportedly pay out an average monthly allowance of $4,111 – that’s $49,336 a year, not bad pickings for a Sugar Baby. 

The truth is that as much as we like to think that we can just roll up to a bar and meet a rich man or woman willing to Sugar us with their wealth and affection, that’s usually not how this “arrangement” works.

Older men don’t tend to feel overly comfortable approaching much younger women in public as it can be seen as “creepy” or socially unacceptable and that’s why Sugar Daddies prefer to look for Sugar Babies online where both people know what they are looking for as two consenting adults. 

The good news is that with a higher proportion of single males to females in Boston, along with a high number of wealthy businessmen and entrepreneurs, you might need to prepare to get well and truly “Sugared” – you just need to look in the right places….

  • Howl At The Moon – This is a well-known bar/entertainment spot in the city that attracts sexy, mature women and also younger ones too, but they play a lot of older, nostalgic music here. Just don’t be surprised if you turn up here to find yourself significantly outnumbered by attractive, single ladies. 
  • Venu Nightclub –  This could be the best nightclub in Boston. Mature women love coming here after hours to let their hair down and dance the night away. 

Here are some other popular hangout spots in Boston that you should definitely check out:

While sugar dating might appeal to some, at Knowledge for Men, we believe in fostering genuine connections with high-value women. Our program equips you with the tools to attract and maintain relationships with women who appreciate you for who you truly are, not what you can offer them. If you’re looking for a meaningful, authentic relationship, join us today and let us guide you in finding the right partner.

What’s Unique About Dating in Boston – The Pros & Cons

The most unique thing about dating in Boston is the fact that there are A LOT of singles!

With the second-highest number of singles in all of America, you won’t be short of options here. 

Furthermore, the fact that Boston is a hive of excellence for educational institutions such as Harvard and MIT means that it acts as a magnet for high-value potential matches, people who invest in their education, their career, and their future. 

All this adds up to increase your chances of meeting an intelligent, cultured, and interesting love match in Boston. 

The Pros of the Boston Dating Scene

  • A vibrant city with lots to offer regarding the arts and culture
  • A large population of available single people
  • Great nightlife, bar, and club scene for socializing & meeting new people
  • A wonderful variety of high-quality restaurants, cafes, and eateries
  • A multicultural and diverse population
  • Lots of meetups, singles events, and speed dating mixers 

The Cons of the Boston Dating Scene

  • There is a higher population of single women v’s men (maybe a positive)
  • There is a bigger young population in Boston due to the draw of students to Harvard & MIT etc, so if you are looking for a more mature match, it might be a little harder to find
  • Boston has higher than average living costs, rent and basic amenities are more expensive here, and so are dates!

However, there are some negatives to everything in life, and the overall positives of dating in Boston far outway the negatives. 

The fact that you are surrounded by the second-highest number of singles in the USA is definitely a good place to start!

Now that you’re familiar with the dating scene in Boston, it’s time to take the next step. With Knowledge for Men, you’ll learn to navigate the dating world with confidence, attract high-value women, and create meaningful relationships. Don’t wait for love to find you. Take action today and become the best version of yourself – in dating and in life.

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