307: Alicia M. Smith: How to Use Adversity to Become Your Strongest Self

Professionally, Alicia M. Smith is an Award-Winning Author who most recently released the book Common Stones, and Special Project Consultant at Public Consulting Group, in Nashville, TN. She has obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Wayne State University, as well as a Master of Arts degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Xavier University.

Favorite Success Quote

“Every no gets me closer to my yes” ~Robert D. Smith

Key Points

1. Success is in Our Decisions Not Our Conclusions

Many people think that success is about the attainment of something, but the truth is, success is about who you become along the way and the decisions that you make.

Who would you consider a success?

The man who achieved his goal of making a million dollars in a year but did it in an unethical way or the man who was presented with the opportunity to make a million unethically but stuck to his guns and did what he knew was right?

I think we both know the answer.

Success is truly about living a life with honor and integrity, not any material outcome.

2. Be Relentless

There is an old quote from Winston Churchill that summarizes this concept succinctly but brilliantly.

If you are going through hell, keep going

It doesn’t matter how difficult life is or what challenges the world may through at you, you must be relentless and never give up.

Always strive to be better, always be willing to face your challenges with a smile on your face, and even if you feel like you are going through hell, just keep going.

3. Your Challenges Make You Who You Need to Become

The things in life that you often despise the most are the things that are turning you into the man you need to become to achieve your destiny.

The lessons you learned from that nasty divorce that you had is what will equip you to be the man you need to be for the woman of your dreams and your future family.

That business failure you had with your first startup is what will equip you with the knowledge and skillset you need to succeed at your next venture.

The challenges and failures you are facing in life are truly a gift and a blessing, not a curse.

Choose to see them that way.

4. Give Up Your Need for Perfection

Perfection is a myth.

If you are constantly striving to be perfect, you will forfeit your ability to be great.

You will become stressed and overwhelmed and cripple your ability to perform.

Instead of trying to be perfect, simply try and wake up each day being a little bit better than you were the day before.

If you do this consistently instead of striving for perfection, you will be amazed at who you are and what you have achieved 5 years from now.

5. Ground Yourself at the Beginning of Each Day 

One of the most powerful ways to begin your day is to get yourself grounded.

If you are religious this could mean that you pray, meditate on your spiritual text, and spend some time thanking God for all you have in your life.

If you are not, then simply meditating, spending time in nature, slowing down, and being grateful is all you need to do.

When you start your day off in this way, you will be amazed at what you can achieve.

Influential Books

1. Night by Elie Wiesel

2. Crazy Love by Francis Tran

3. The War of Art by Stephen Pressfield


Connect with Alicia M. Smith


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