230: Dre Baldwin: Approaching Life with a Bulletproof Mindset

Dre Baldwin is a former NBA pro basketball player turned entrepreneur and empowerment coach who works with pro athletes and entrepreneurs to help them achieve their full potential and work on their game.

He is also the author of several top selling amazon books including “The Mirror of Motivation“, “The Super You“, and “The Mental Handbook

Favorite Quote

“Work on your game”

Key Points

1. Work on Your Game 

When he first started playing basketball, Dre was one of the worst on the team, however, through tenacity and perseverance he became good enough to go pro.

He didn’t do it by getting lucky or having talent, he did it by working his ass off and never giving up. If you want to succeed at your craft, then you have to commit to working on your game and becoming a master of your craft.

Be willing to put in the long work weeks, to laser focus on your weaknesses and turn them into strengths. The only way to succeed is to work at your game until you become a pro. Period.

2. Be a Master of Consistency and Content

The two most important things of any information business are your consistency and your content. If you post something once every month, even if it kicks ass, you will not have anywhere near the following you would if you were able to post something once a week.

If you are posting consistently but posting subpar content, then once again, you will lose the trust of your audience and set yourself up for failure.

You have to master consistently good content. Publish frequently and publish useful information that your audience wants.

3. Ask Yourself Empowering Questions

As Tony Robbins says “The quality of your life is dependent upon the quality of your questions”. If you want to succeed, learn to ask better questions.

When something bad happens, instead of asking yourself “Why me” ask “how can I use this to learn and improve in the future?”. Instead of asking “Why do I never succeed” ask “How can I ensure success this year?”

4. Everything You Need to Succeed is a Developable Skill

Some people believe that things like discipline, work ethic, and perseverance, are talents and not developable skills.

They are wrong.

Every skill that you need to be successful is something that you can work on and develop. You can develop an iron  work ethic, just go work for a landscaping crew for 3 months. You can develop discipline, enlist in the military or do some sort of bootcamp. You can develop any skill you need!

Never allow the excuse of being untalented to rob you of your dreams. If you don’t have a skill, work for it!

Influential Books

1. The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene

2. The 50th Law by Robert Greene

3. The Law of Success by Napoleon Hill


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