164: David Hamilton: Let Go of Definition & Embrace Everlution

David Hamilton is the founder and CEO of Everlution, a premiere coaching program designed to help you take your life to the next level. David focuses on manipulating your perception and thinking patterns to live a more fulfilling, connected and present life.

Favorite Success Quote

“Do not ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is more people who have come alive”~Howard Thurman

Key Points

1. Avoid Self Definition

One of the traps many people fall into is associating too strongly with anyone one group, idea or characteristic. It is very easy to base our identity out of our experiences, religious and political beliefs and goals, instead of realizing that our identity is us, and we are evolving constantly.

2. Ask The Right Questions 

During the show, David did a brief “coaching” session with Andrew during the interview, and something any listener will pick up on is that David did very little talking. In fact, the majority of his coaching was merely asking the right questions and listening.

Questions like:

“Why do you want that?”
“What would this do for your life?”
“What feelings do you associate with that?”

Among others can help you completely reinvent and understand your world on a new level.

3. Your Reality is Based off of Your Thoughts

A key realization in every man’s life is that his reality is based almost entirely out of his thoughts and his state of “being.” Nothing that happens to you, good or bad, truly affects you until you make it so in your mind.

Understand that you control your reality by controlling who you are and who you want to be, and understand that you are constantly evolving an changing and do not try and fight this.

4. Realize that Fulfillment Comes from Who You Are

Life is complicated, and the question of fulfillment has haunted man for centuries. What is it that we can do that leads to fulfillment? Is it money, women, spirituality?

The truth is, fulfillment comes from within, nothing external will give it to you. Learn to accept and embrace this and work on building an inner world that can flow and adapt with the changing environment yet remain completely fulfilled.

Influential Books

1. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

2. Inside Out Revolution by Michael Neill


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