256: Dr. Roberto Canessa: How a Plane Crash Inspired a Calling to Save Lives

Dr. Roberto Canessa., is one of the 16 survivors of the Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571, which crashed in the Andes mountains on October 13, 1972

Favorite Success Quote

“Don’t wait for the helicopters to rescue you”

Key Points

1. You Have to Rescue Yourself 

In life, no one is coming to save you, there are no helicopters on the way, you have to rescue yourself.

In business, there is no one coming with that promotion you aren’t willing to work and ask for, in relationships, there are no beautiful women waiting in line to marry you while you play video games and live a mundane life, there is no magic pill to make you the best version of yourself, you have to choose to be the best, and fight for it every day.

You have to rescue yourself.

2. Know there is Hope

No matter how bleak things look right now, know that there is hope, there is always something better waiting for you if you are willing to have patience and put in the work. No matter how hard it is, no matter how much you want to give up, stay strong and have hope.

3. Take it One Step at a Time

If you want to succeed at anything, just take it one step at a time. Don’t think about the massive journey ahead of you, just think about the natural next step, think about the one thing that you need to do today.

If you can have laser focus on the next thing you need to accomplish your success in life and business will skyrocket.

4. Don’t Wait for the Plane to Crash 

Life is beautiful and we have so much to be grateful for. Don’t wait for your plane to crash to realize that. Spend time every day in thanks, thinking about the people, things, and experiences you love.

Just be grateful and allow the world to spin in its own way without worrying about it.

Influential Movies

1. As Good as it Gets

2. Forrest Gump

3. Pretty Woman


Connect with Dr. Roberto Canessa

I Had to Survive by Dr. Roberto Canessa

Dr. Canessa’s Website https://www.drcanessa.com/

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