10 Signs Your Separated Wife Wants to Reconcile

separated wife wants to reconcile

No one wants a divorce. Divorce is one of the most mentally and emotionally painful experiences a man can go through. It crushes your soul, destroys your hopes for the future, and plunges you into a deep, dark pit of despair. You don’t want a divorce, but there seems to be no escape. You and … Read more

Transcending the Past: How NLP Coaching Can Help Men Create a Brighter Future

NLP Coaching for men

A man’s mind has the power to be his most fearsome enemy or his most loyal friend. Learn how to control it, and you claim mastery over your life and happiness. Let it own you; you’re nothing more than a rag-doll of feelings and emotions flung about in the heartless storms of life. The question … Read more

Situationship vs. Relationship: How to Turn Casual Dating Into Something Serious

situationship vs relationship

Are you in a situationship? Are you unsure what the phrase even means? Is it the same as “friends with benefits”? Well, not quite…  Just so we’re all clear here, let’s first define situationship. In essence, a situationship lies somewhere between a committed relationship and friendship. What makes a situationship unique is that neither party … Read more

Breaking the Nice Guy Habit: How to Stop Being a Nice Guy

stop being a nice guy

You’ve heard the saying probably hundreds of times by now: “Nice guys finish last.” Do nice guys really miss out when it comes to dating? Is being a nice guy so bad? You’re not going to like the answer. It’s not a great experience to be a nice guy. Most nice guys do finish last. … Read more

10 Best Ways to Become the Man You Want to Be

be the man you want to be

Most men never reach their potential. They fall short of who they want to be and live mediocre lives. Even the “best” of us — the ones standing at 6’4, walking around with washboard abs, a beautiful girlfriend by their side, working high-paying jobs, and meeting all the typical standards for “a good life” — … Read more

7 Ways to Be a Gentleman to the Woman in Your Life

be a gentleman

The definition of a true gentleman has evolved with time. While the answer may have been clear in the ’40s or ’50s, it’s a bit more complicated today.  Back then, a gentleman was expected to be chivalrous, courteous, and well-mannered. He was also expected to be strong, both physically and emotionally, and to have high … Read more

The Power of Accountability Coaching for Men: How It Can Transform Your Life

accountability coaching for men

When it comes to self-improvement, it can be very helpful to think of yourself as if you were an athlete. Instead of competing with an opponent, you’re only competing with your past self. This might sound corny, but this is likely why self-improvement and fitness journeys go hand-in-hand. Doing physical labor creates the sensation that … Read more

Men’s Dating Coach: Ultimate Guide to Dating Coaching for Men

dating coaching for men

When most people hear the phrase “dating coach,” the first things that come to mind are either the cheesy pickup artists doing magic tricks in the streets to try and get women’s phone numbers or Instagram “influencers” showing off a (likely paid) harem of women on a (likely rented) yacht. The dating coach industry is … Read more

10 Best Books on Building Confidence For Men

best books about building confidence for men

If you’re like most men, this ideal man you want to be is far from who you are today. He’s got some of the same components as you, but he’s an entirely unrecognizable guy. This ideal guy isn’t so different from you, and reaching this ideal self isn’t an impossibility. He’s just you with a … Read more

10 Ways to Value Yourself More as a Man

value yourself more as a man and increase your self-worth

For most men, the idea of valuing themselves more feels illegal. It’s something they’d never even fathom doing for themselves. Men today have not been taught how to genuinely value themselves in a way conducive to their long-term growth. Most men have been beaten into submission by a society that makes money off their insecurities. … Read more

Why Every Man Should Consider Joining a No-More Mr. Nice Guy Support Group

no-more Mr. Nice guy support group

If you want to live a life you’re proud of, you have to stop being nice. Being nice is good when you’re getting groceries or ordering at a restaurant, but when it comes to dating, being a “nice guy” is catastrophic for your relationship potential. Niceness is usually a sign of weakness. Nice people are … Read more

The Times Have Changed. This is the Way Forward in 2024.

Here’s how I can help in my new FREE training on becoming a stronger Grounded Man:

1. The new path for men that creates a purpose driven life and doesn’t require you to lose your personal power, put women on a pedestal or sacrifice your goals.

2. Why men consistently settle and ignore the most important areas of life like the quality of their intimate relationships, social life and happiness and how to optimize all three without sacrificing professional growth.

3. The biggest mistake 97% of men make that breeds loneliness, breakups and emasculation that is absolutely reversible with this counter intuitive strategy.